Debug printf for STM32 can be a useful tool to print out system logs without using UART when SWO output is used. Here is a tutorial for SWO.
ESP32 supports Wi-Fi, ethernet, PPPoS modem and other custom networking interfaces. Using esp_netif, you can search network interfaces.
STM32 “USB device not reognized” and “failed to read USB device descriptors” are very common issues. We list the most common solutions here.
Notes on how to build U-Boot from sources for a custom i.MX6 board. The notes assume that your custom board can use an existing defconfig.
ESP32 I2C repeated start or restart condition can be generated using the ESP-IDF I2C driver library. Here is how, with example code.
This article illustrates an easy way to sync ESP32 NTP and DS3231 RTC time so that ESP32 can use the RTC chip seamlessly in an application.
We troubleshoot a situation where the ESP32 cannot save JSON file to an SD card. The program in question is based on the ESP-IDF.
You might come across this error “C99 designator outside aggregate initializer” when you are compiling projects based on C code, but the compiler is expecting C++ code. For example, we …