ESP32 Bluetooth Audio Player with ES8388 Module
An ESP32 Bluetooth audio player demo project based on the PCB Artists ES8388 and Espressif ESP-ADF framewor
An ESP32 Bluetooth audio player demo project based on the PCB Artists ES8388 and Espressif ESP-ADF framewor
A look at ESP32 ES8388 audio codec module interface and pinout needed for maintaining compatibility with ESP-ADF examples for ESP32-LyraT.
ESP32 with passive PoE is very useful in several applications such as sensor nodes or industrial control units that use power over ethernet.
ESP32 I2C repeated start or restart condition can be generated using the ESP-IDF I2C driver library. Here is how, with example code.
ESP32 air quality monitor project with Arduino code and ThingsBoard dashboard. This is a demo project for the PCB Artists ZMOD4510 module.
Solutions for ESP32 boot loop error:
1162 mmu set 00010000, pos 00010000
1162 mmu set 00020000, pos 00020000
1162 mmu set 00030000, pos 00030000
This article illustrates an easy way to sync ESP32 NTP and DS3231 RTC time so that ESP32 can use the RTC chip seamlessly in an application.
The ESP32 CH340 programmer schematic is described in brief in this article. This can be used for auto-programming both ESP32 and ESP8266.
We troubleshoot a situation where the ESP32 cannot save JSON file to an SD card. The program in question is based on the ESP-IDF.
The ESP32 CP2102 programmer schematic is described in brief in this article. This can be used for auto-programming both ESP32 and ESP8266.